White Shimmer eyeshadows

I am a big fan of white eye shadows especially the shimmery ones- its been a staple make up for me for years- will probably stop using it only if I am already old and my eyelids are already wrinkly. I can definitely say that I wouldnt be caught dead without this on :-)

White shimmer eye shadows can give you that simple instant wide awake- fresh look. I am amazed that a simple white shimmer when applied to your eyelids can accentuate your beauty especially if you have  smooth fair skin.

So far my HGs are The Body Shop's shimmer cubes- (single white cube), and Sue Devitt's roller ball eyeshadow in Kouri. These days, I always use TBS over Sue Devitt's. TBS shimmer cubes are highly pigmented, one stroke of the brush and you're good to go, as for Sue Devitt's Kouri- it is a cream white shimmer powder with a rollerball - to achieve rich white sparkly eyelids, you have to apply a lot to build a more defined white color.

I also bought two white eye shadows from The Face Shop. Since I have oily eyelids these doesn't stick for long- a primer is needed if you want it to stay put. It has micro glitters that sparkles as the light hits it. I think though that a white shimmer eyeshadow with micro glitters like this is good for evening affairs - or if you work in an office with a lot of fluorescent lights. Natural sun light can make it look chalky. Its not as shimmery as The Body Shop's but to compensate they added the glitters as sparklers.

As of the moment I am still willing to try other brands, as long as they are shimmery and has staying power then I'll be happy to add them to my make-up collection. :-)

picture from serwisaspel.pl

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Zane and Van said...

Try to use BeneFit Eye Bright pencil as a base for the inner corner and outer corner of your eyes for more depth. :)

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